Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Teams — MSST

 Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Teams — MSST

Yes, the Coast Guard has special operations. These operators fall under the Deployable Operations Group, and attend training in Advanced Tactical Boat Operations and Anti-terrorism Force protection at the Joint Maritime Training Center at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. (Camp Lejeune is also home to most East Coast Marines.) Though not super high on the special list, they're elite nature means they have to be first-responders to counter narcotics shipments, weapons shipments, and even acts of terrorism. Coasties who complete MSST training are prepared for and will execute the following missions: Maritime interdiction and law enforcement Anti-terrorism/Force Protection CBRN-E Detection Vertical Insertion (commonly referred to as Fast Roping) Search and Rescue (limited) Port Protection/Anti-sabotage Underwater Port Security Canine Handling Teams (Explosive detection) Tactical Boat Operations Hook and Climb Non-compliant boarding operations.

Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Teams — MSST
Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Teams — MSST
Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Teams — MSST

